Books and ResourcesWebsites:

Obesity Medical Association

The Obesity Society

American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery

Obesity Action Coalition

STOP Obesity Alliance


International Journal of Obesity

Diabetes Metabolism and Obesity

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Journal of Endocrinology

Obesity Education and CME:

Harvard Blackburn Course in Obesity


  1. Handbook of Obesity – 2 Volume Set – George A. Bray, Claude Bouchard
  2. Break Through Your Set Point – George L Blackburn, MD PhD
  3. When Food is Love – Geneen Roth

Local and National Support Groups:

Overeaters Anonymous

Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous

American Bariatrics Online Support Group – For Bariatric Surgery

Take Off Pounds Successfully (TOPS)

Movies and Documentaries:

  1. Cereal Killers 1 and 2
  2. Carb-Loaded – A Culture Dying to Eat
  3. Fed Up
  4. Super Size Me
  5. Overfed and Undernourished
  6. Weight of a Nation – HBO Documentary
  7. Fat Sick and Nearly Dead
  8. The Skinny on Obesity Documentary
  9. Facing the Fat

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